Sunday, October 3, 2010

10 questions with Jessica Nova

Harley_Quinn___Card_Queen_by_deimosmasqueIt is time for me to revisit an interview I did a while back with a beautiful cosplayer known as Jessica Nova. She is a very talented cosplay/alt model. My first interview was lost when I had technical difficulties a few months ago, so you know I was delighted when I found the original interview I did with Nova. So, sit back and enjoy the beauty that is Nova.
1. What is your name and where are you from?

I'm Jessica Nova, originally from Florida but relocated last year to a quiet spot in Georgia.

2. How did you discover cosplay?

Wow, I don't really know, I get asked this question all the time, and I can never remember the answer from one thing to another, I believe what really made me get into it was my love for dressing up. I had been playing dress up and make believe since I can remember and after attending my very first con sans cosplay and seeing all the cosplay, I decided I HAD to start doing it, it was such a great idea, playing dress up all year and actually in a community I could do it in instead of just being the weirdo doing it for fun.

Poisonous_II_by_HastyKitten3. What characters have you cosplayed in the past?

Harley Quinn is my number one, followed shortly by Sailor Moon who I hope to cosplay again in the near future, I just adore her. After that it would have to be the upcoming surprise costume I can't yet reveal mwhahahaha. But I always have lots of plans for new things, but I believe Harley will always be my favorite.

4. What sites have you worked with?

I have worked on so many websites I can't even begin to name them all. I'm about to launch my own website, here in the near future, but besides that my favorite site I'm regularly on would have to be Cosplay its really the best in terms of cosplay websites.

5. What does the future hold for you as in terms of cosplay?

Next up I'm revamping my Harley costume, and having a friend make my Black Lantern Ice and Thundra costumes along with a surprise costume or two for Dragoncon.

56. Do you read comics? If so, what are your favorites?

I do read comics, and I'm DC all the way!

7. What is your favorite genre of film? What is your favorite movie?

Horror and Suspense are my favorite genres. Favorite movies include Legend, The Dark Knight, and American Psycho.

8. What type of music are you in to?

I love all kinds of music, it just needs a good beat, preferably something I can dance to, right now Lady Gaga is at the top of my list.

9. Where do you like to show off your costumes the most?

I guess the internet sees the most of my costumes, but I love conventions, they really are a blast!

10. What hobbies do you have besides cosplay?

Besides cosplaying I love to sew and style wigs. I work on commissions for others so I'm always making a new costume, it's my favorite hobby. I also love to cook for my husband! Working out also falls near the top as it has become a key portion of my life.

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