Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What is in store for Derf's Domain?

Greetings fellow geeks and geekettes,

How was your holiday?  I apologize for the lack of posts as of late.  Between the holidays and being down with the sickness, I really did not have time for anything much less keep my posts coming. I gave you a clue on what is to come on one of my posts about some gentlemen I am in the works of interviewing for future posts.

What is in store for Derf's Domain you ask?  Well, I wanted to keep it a secret but between the excitement and the need to share I figured I would go ahead and tell you now in this post.  I am working on interviews with some well known illustrators in the comicverse.  Who you ask?  Well,  the artists are Adam Hughes, Al Rio, and Brandon Badeaux.  I am excited and honored to not only post their work, but to share with you their thoughts on what they do! So, sit back, relax, and look forward to the interviews to come.  Until then, keep on reading and get your geek on!


Knights End said...

I'm looking forward to the new interviews!

Derf's Domain said...

Thanks! The interview I did with Adam Hughes will be up sometime this weekend.