Friday, April 26, 2013

Thanos Rising #1 : A Mini Comic Review

Thanos is a character that has always fascinated me.  To be so powerful and to take on all heroes without assistance was astonishing to me.  Growing up I was never really into the Silver Surfer titles, but if I saw my boy Thanos was going to be in it, I made sure to buy that issue.  I just love the raw power and indestructibility that is Thanos.  So, when I heard Marvel was releasing a new mini-series focused around Thanos, you know I went into total NERDom!

Thanos Rising is brought to us by the creative team of Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi and published by Marvel Comics.  What I love about issue #1 is that we learn about Thanos from the time he was born until the time he develops a thirst for death as a child on Titan.  Thanos did not ask to be the monster he has become, but he was made that way by several factors in his life.

I am not going to give too many details about the book because I want you to read it and enjoy it for yourself.  I will however give issue #1 a perfect 10 out 0f 10 rating.  After you read it, you will feel the same.  All I can say is, bring on issue #2.

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