Saturday, August 7, 2021

Saturday Showcase: the Polka-Dot Man

Straight from the pages of DC Comics and the big screen success, The Suicide Squad, comes today's Saturday Showcase.  My showcase today is on the unlikely superhero, Mr. Polka-Dot aka the Polka-Dot Man.

Shortly after Batman began appearing in Gotham City, his growing renown inspired an entire generation of costumed rogues who committed largely harmless crimes to attract his attention in the hopes of matching wits with the legendary vigilante. Among these was a local crook named Abner Krill, who decided, for reasons unknown, to launch a crime wave based on spots and dots in Gotham City, where he inevitably came into conflict with Batman and Robin. 

As Mister Polka-Dot, he wore a costume covered in spots, and once removed from the costume, the spots could be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating deadly weapons and a bizarre escape vehicle. He succeeded in capturing Robin, but Batman defeated him.

Years later, Krill (now calling himself the Polka-Dot Man) was driven to crime once more when he found himself unemployed, penniless, and desperate to pay his bills. No longer able to afford his original electronically gimmicked costume, he instead resorted to using a baseball bat in a poorly thought-out attempt to rob a jewelry store, which resulted in him assaulting Officer Foley of the Gotham City Police Department, causing minor injuries. He was then beaten badly by Detective Harvey Bullock, who was sick of costumed villains in the city. The assault put the Polka-Dot Man in traction and he filed a brutality suit against the police department, which resulted in Bullock being forced to see a psychiatrist.  So you can say that Harvey Bullock was taken down by the Polka-Dot Man, lol.

Following his recovery, Nightwing encountered the Polka-Dot Man a second time when he trashed My Alibi, a bar known for underworld regulars who vouched for each other's whereabouts when they were off committing crimes. Nightwing pitched Krill through a window display and into the street, where he was picked up by the police.

Powers & Abilities

When he created his costume, Abner Krill possessed advanced technology in the form of the costume's polka dots, which were controlled through the costume's belt. When attached to his costume, they were inert, but once removed, they would enlarge in size and become various different devices which could aid in his crime sprees, most notably a flying saucer which he used as a getaway vehicle.

Weaponized Dots used by the Polka-Dot Man included:

  • Flying Buzzsaw Dot, a red polka dot designed as a projectile. The dot had a rotating interior mechanism upon which a circular saw blade was mounted.
  • Flying Saucer Dot, a yellow polka dot which expanded rapidly into a flat, man-sized glider. It was steered by a series of buttons or switches on the Polka-Dot Man's belt.
  • Sun Dot, a gold polka dot designed as a projectile. It was gimmicked to resemble a model of the sun and emitted a blinding, disorienting light similar to a flare.
  • Bubble Dot, a white polka dot which expanded into a translucent capsule capable of flight. Like the Flying Saucer Dot, it was steered by a belt apparatus.
  • Fist Dots were red, yellow, and orange polka dots designed as projectiles. They were thrown at once and gimmicked to resemble human fists. When bounced off opponents at close range and in concert, these dots could produce concussive effects.
  • Hole Dot, a black polka dot simply referred to as a "hole" by the Polka-Dot Man. It opened up what appeared to be a teleportation transport system and was presumably developed with assistance from General Immortus.

Publication Information:

Publisher:  DC Comics
First Appearance:  Detective Comics #300 (February 1962)
Created by: Bill Finger (writer) & Sheldon Moldoff (artist)
Alter Ego:  Abner Krill
Team Affiliations: Suicide Squad
Notable Aliases: Mister Polka-Dot

Until next time, get your READ on!

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