1. What is your name and where are you from?
2. How did you discover cosplay?
Halloween was where it started,but I think my first true experience was at DragonCon in 2003, when I realized that there were TONS of people who had ideas like I did! I've always played dress-up, especially as a DJ, but seeing people that melded geekiness with costumes just tripped my trigger hardcore!
3. What characters have you cosplayed in the past?
Aeon Flux
Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld
Barbarella (both her green and black suits)
Big Barda
Black Canary (JLI suit)
Dawn (various original interpretations)
Dazzler (both the classic silver and the 90's blue suit)
DreamQueen (Alpha Flight villain)
Maddy Pryor, the Goblin Queen
Molotov Cocktease
Phoenix/Rachel Summers
Sensor Girl
Silver Banshee
Star Sapphire (Classic)
Zatanna (blue JLA version)
4. What sites have you worked with?
Nothing beyond my very active involvement as a co-admin on the http://www.superherocostumingforum.com/ , which has the some of the most talented, creative and caring people I know.
5. Who is your favorite character to cosplay?
Without a doubt, Dazzler. She was the first super-heroine I remember being drawn to, and she'll always be close to my heart. But I'm always drawn to larger-than-life characters. I'm over 6 ft tall, so the bigger (or meaner) the better! Oh, and if it's an obscure character or a silly costume, I'm probably in! (ex - my Looker costume)
6. Do you read comics? If so, what are your favorites?
7. Are you a gamer, if so what is your favorite game and on what system?
I'm not much a gamer -- I lack that killer instinct! Scrabble is about as touch as I get :)
8. What are your future plans in terms of cosplay?
9. Where do you like to show off your costumes the most?
DragonCon and HereosCon are my current regular haunts, and I love them mightily! And Halloween kind of pales in comparison :)
10. What would you say is your favorite genre to cosplay?
Comic book characters, followed by movies/tv characters.
1 comment:
Great post this chic is my favorite cos player. I just discovered cosplay and all it's glories. I wanted to do a post and gallery featuring the Carribean Queen of cosplay DJ Spider....but here it is and here she is good job. OA1 thebronzetiger.blogspot.com
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