Well, what can I say about Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne? Let us sum up what has happened to Bruce in case some of you do not read DC Comics. Darkseid shot Batman with his Omega Beams apparently killing him. Then it turns out that he was really sent back in time to travel through the time stream to bring the end of the world as we know it. Of course this was Darkseid's plan all along. Well, the Return told the stories of Bruce's trials through time to get back to where he belongs and all the troubles that got in his way to get there. Yes, I found some stories strange or some just flat out had you questioning why you bought the issue. I continued to read because I wanted to see exactly how Bruce was going to come back. All in all, it was a good mini-series to explain how Bruce Wayne made his triumphant return.
My favorite cover for the series was issue #3 with the Pirate look. So, that is the cover I decided to share with my review. I give the entire series a 7 out of a possible 10. I will say that I am enjoying the journey home titles that I am currently reading, but that review is for a later post. Until next time, Keep Reading!
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