My name is Tracy and I'm from San Diego, CA.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
In 2005, I had a boyfriend who took me to San Diego Comic Con and introduced me to cosplay. I knew how to hand stitch and helped him put together some costumes. After seeing how much fun it was to cosplay, I decided I would join in the next year. I have been cosplaying ever since. I used to do just 1 costume per year, but now I'm up to pushing 10 costumes per year. It's become an obsession and I love it.
From DC Comics, I have cosplayed Killer Frost, Circe, Silver Banshee, Raven, and Enchantress. From XMen I have cosplayed Psylocke, Rogue, and Lady Deathstrike. From Anime, I have cosplayed Lust (Full Metal Alchemist), Sadi-Chan (One Piece), Ms. Doublefinger (One Piece), Tayuya curse form (Naruto), and Guren (Naruto Shippuden). I've also cosplayed Lady (Devil May Cry 4 video game) and Ty Lee (Avatar the Last Airbender)
4. Do you read comics? If so, which titles?
Yes. I'm a huge fan of pretty much anything and everything DC related (too many to name). On the Marvel side I'm a fan of X-Men.
5. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
6. Where do you like to show of your costumes the most?
My facebook fanpage is the most updated account. I try to put up new photos from conventions as soon as I get them. =)
I've done very little modeling and it has been mostly with friends. After a few years cosplaying, I noticed that I had no nice photos of me in normal clothes, which was somewhat amusing. I'd like to do more modeling as time goes on, but mostly for fun.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I'm currently enrolled in a doctorate program in Optometry. I'll be puffing air into your eyeballs and taking care of your visual health in the future.
9. What are some of your other hobbies?
Cosplay is actually a combination of several different hobbies. While sewing and painting are my primary cosplay hobbies, I am slowly stepping into the world of power tools and new materials for prop construction. Other than that, school and general socializing eats up most of my time.
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
My favorite cosplay is Killer Frost. This was my very first cosplay in 2006. It was awful and nothing went right! In 2011, I decided to redo the costume with 5 years of cosplaying experience under my belt. It was my first time attempting full body make up, better facial makeup, wigs, and overall styling for this type of costume. The results were much better than 5 years ago and the transformation made it difficult for some of my best friends to recognize me. It was a fantastic experience and I absolutely loved the results. Killer Frost hold special place for me when it comes to cosplay. I can't wait to wear it again in 2012!
See my other cosplays here !
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