That's right Nerds and Nerdettes, Angela from Image's Spawn comics is now a resident of the Marvel Universe. Most of you comic readers already know this but I also know some people who didn't so I decided to share the news. So you may have not heard it hear first, but just remember that Derf's Domain did not let you down, LoL.
Just what role will the lovely but deadly Angela have at Marvel U? Well, what is known is that she will appear in the Age of Ultron series towards the end. After Age of Ultron is complete, she will join the ensemble of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Will she be good or evil? Only time will tell.
How did Marvel get so lucky to land such a great character from a rival company? It's simple, one of Angela's creators works for Marvel now. For those of you who didn't know Neil Gaiman created Angela with Todd McFarlane but he had the rights to the character. Now that Neil works on the Guardians series, he is bringing Angela to the Marvel Universe for all of his fans to enjoy. I am one of the thankful ones because she was always a great character to read about. You knew when she was in a comic, someone's ass was going to get kicked!
The image below is a reveal of her new look as drawn by Joe Quesada.
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