Cornelius Van Lunt aka Taurus |
I know it has been a few weeks since I last posted a Saturday Showcase, so I wanted this one to be special. I also wanted it to not possibly spoil the End Game movie everyone's talking about. I have not seen it yet myself, so if this character is in the film in any fashion, it is purely coincidental. With that said, let us learn a little more about this Avengers's foe known as Taurus.
Cornelius Van Lunt was a multimillionaire businessman and professional criminal mastermind. He was also the founder and financier of the original Zodiac. Although he was not originally the leader, he would see to it that he would be named leader before too long.
We were first introduced to Taurus and his team of celestial criminals in Avengers #72 (January 1970). They fought the Avengers only to lose in battle. Cornelius was lucky and managed to escape capture.
Death Trap |
Cornelius never rested in his quest to defeat the Avengers. He would fight them, over and over to no end. Hell, he even fought the West Coast Avengers over and over to the same result....DEFEAT.
Look behind you. |
Eventually, Cornelius witnessed the demise of his "Empire" and tried to form the Zodiac one last time. He even went as far as trying to recruit the Shroud to his new team only to be surprised by the fact that the Avengers were alive and well and looking to take him into custody. Taurus did not go without a fight. He and the Lunar Avenger (Moon Knight) got into a battle and while trying to get away, Cornelius died in a plane crash.
Don't mess with the Bull, you might just get the horns. |
First Appearance:
the Avengers #72, January 1970
Created By:
Roy Thomas & Sal Buscema
the Zodiac (Avengers #72) |
Until next time, get your READ on!
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