Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Random Questions with Jon McCarthy

Back in June of this year, I interviewed my friend and comic writer Jon about his comic Endangered.  Well, issue #2 hits newsstands today and I wanted to share some random questions asked in a speed round format with Jon while conducting our interview.  If you have not read the interview or you just want to enjoy reading it again, click here.  After reading this, make sure you pick up the second issue of Endangered.  If you haven't checked it out yet, make sure to pick up the first issue as well.

1. Favorite superhero?

Tie between Spider-Man and Invincible

2. DC or Marvel?

Although I enjoy both, I’ve always been more of a Marvel guy. They’re heroes were the first ones I fell in love with and my oldest son is named Logan.

3. Favorite Film?

I’m a movie buff, so naming one is too hard. Here are a few off the top of my head. Empire Strikes Back, Pulp Fiction, Unforgiven, Aliens, The Thing, and Predator.

4. Favorite Villain?

Of all time? I’d say Darth Vader.

5. Favorite Artist?

Comics? Probably John Romita Sr and Bernie Wrightson. Of course Ron Joseph is a default answer lol.

6. Favorite Writer?

Robert Kirkman for Invincible.

7. Favorite TV Series?

Breaking Bad, First four seasons of Game of Thrones, Mr. Inbetween, Atlanta, and, most recently, Arcane.

8. Favorite Insect?

Now we’re talking! The pill bug, aka Rollie Pollie.

9. Favorite Actor or Actress?

Probably Leonardo DiCaprio or Gary Oldman.

10. Guilty Pleasure?


11. Favorite Snack?

Either chips and queso or boiled peanuts

12. Favorite Comic Issue and Why?

Frank Miller and Chris Claremont’s Wolverine #1. I have very vivid memories of seeing that cover for the first time and being blown away. That book is WHY my oldest son is named, Logan. After reading it as a 10 year old, I remember asking my mom if I could change my name to Logan. When she said no, I swore to her that one day, I would have a son and his name would be Logan and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Fast forward 18 years and Logan McCarthy was born.

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