Saturday, January 13, 2024

Saturday Showcase: Meanstreak (X-Men 2099)

 I apologize for the late post but I was watching the Wild Card games with friends and family.  It is when I was home I realized I needed to put another showcase up.  I am still staying in the Marvel 2099 universe and I am still on the X-Men team.  This time we will focus on the speedster of 2099, Meanstreak.

    Henri Huang was a scientist at Alchemax who worked alongside Jordan Boone. After Jordan helped Henri break his Alchemax contract, he left New York, where he eventually encountered Krystalin in Berkeley and was recruited into Xi'an's X-Men and was given the codename Meanstreak. Joining the X-Men out of gratitude, he remained for the thrill the work gave him and for Krystallin, with whom he had fallen in love.

    Henri was the team tactician and point man, leading the group through the Synge Casino, searching for evidence to clear suspicion that Xi'an assassinated casino head Noah Synge.  After clearing Xi'an's name, Meanstreak leaves the team briefly to search for Jordan Boone, who had gone missing. As they make their way to New York, aided by Skullfire, Bloodhawk and Krystalin, they are captured by the Theatre of Pain. They manage to escape and arrive in New York to find that Boone had been genetically altered into the 2099 version of the trickster god Loki. Along with Doom, Ravage, Punisher and Spider-Man, they manage to defeat the Alchemax created Aesir and then return to Nevada.

    After the ordeal with Thor and the Norse gods of 2099, Henri is approached by Halloween Jack, the latest persona of Jordan Boone. Together they travel to Las Vegas to enact revenge on the new heads of the Synge casino and children of Noah Synge, Desdemona and Lytton. They easily break in and take over the casino, gaining access to not only the bank accounts of the Synges, but also the rest of the Greater Nevada Syndicate. Henri helps Jack build a Virtual Unreality projector which, when activated, begins warping Nevada and fusing it with alternate dimensional energies. Doom arrives, having recently installed himself as President of the US. He quarantines Las Vegas, leaving Jack to lord over the twisted city. It's at this point Henri decides to move on.

Powers and Abilities

    Henri Huang possesses enhanced speed, stamina, reflexes, and thought process. Meanstreak is capable of breaking the sound barrier, if he pushes himself though only for small periods of time or cover vast distances. His body heals and metabolizes at the same incredible rate, but oddly, he does not seem to need more than average sustenance. [Unlike another speedster from another universe Dr. Jay]

    He is also a technological genius, able to manipulate most computer systems with ease.

Publication Information

Publisher:  Marvel Comics

First Appearance:  X-Men 2099 #1

Created by John Francis Moore & Ron Lim

Alter Ego: Henri Huang

Species: Human Mutant

Place of Origin:  Earth-928

Team Affiliations: X-Men 2099

Until next time, get your READ on!

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