Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Derf's Picks of the Week (March 12, 2025)


"Beware the Ides of March" ~ William Shakespeare



Absolute Superman #5

Action Comics #1084

Aquaman #3

Batman: Dark Patterns #4

Batman and Robin #19

DC vs. Vampires: World War V #7

Green Lantern Corps #2



Space Ghost #11



Geiger #12

Spawn #362

Transformers #18

Violator: Origin #6

Witchblade #9



Alien: Paradiso #4

The Amazing Spider-Man #69

Deadpool #12

Hellhunters #4

Iron Man #6

Nick Fury vs. Fin Fang Foom #1

Phoenix #9

Power Man: Timeless #2

Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk #4

Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #2

West Coast Avengers #5

X-Factor #8

X-Men #13


Well, as you can see, this was a short list week for me.

I hope you found something to entertain you this week.

Until next time, get your READ on!


Comic Cover of the Week

X-Men #13 (Variant)


Cover Art by Miguel Mercado

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