Saturday, December 9, 2017

Saturday Showcase: the In-Betweener

    I was watching Guardians Vol. 2 the other day and it caused me to do some thinking about classic stories from the cosmos known as the Marvel Universe.  That is when I got the idea to do a Saturday Showcase on the In-Betweener.  Just who is the In-Betweener?  Well, he is Chaos, he is Order, he is right, he is wrong, he is madness, he is sanity, he is always in-between.  

    The In-Betweener was created in 1975 by Jim Starlin.  His first appearance was in Warlock #9 (Oct. 1975).  He has fought avengers, defenders, guardians, as well as the likes of Thanos and Galactus.  He is a powerful cosmic being, but his "ego" usually is his downfall.  

   He has had partnerships with villains such as Lord Chaos, Master Order, and even Thanos.  His powers besides immortality are the ability to warp perception as well as manipulate/alter reality.

    Like I said earlier, he once saw Thanos as an ally, but that ended when Thanos wanted the 6th infinity stone, the Soul Gem, which the In-Betweener possessed. Which led to a battle in which Thanos was the victor.  

    I believe that Marvel Studios already dropped the ball to introduce him since he was the holder of the Soul Gem, but it would be nice if he is at least mentioned in the Infinity War films.  Besides a Heroclix figure, you really don't see much of the In-Betweener except in the comics and I feel that is an injustice on this classic cosmic character.  I mean, he fought Galactus for Pete's sake!

Until next time, get your READ on!

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